Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Crystal Water Bottles

Drinking from a Crystal Water Bottle πŸ’š creates a healing crystal elixir with many health benefits.

A Crystal Elixir Water Bottle features an easy to open base compartment.  This is why we chose this style of crystal water bottle - because we could change up our crystals to suit our intention and vibration!

It is claimed that the inherent properties of the crystal πŸ’š itself diffuse into the water.  And by drinking the infused water, you gain the benefits.

Blue Crystal Water Bottle

There are a plethora of different πŸ’š health giving benefits available through drinking crystal infused water.

Some particular crystals offer health properties like calmness, serenity and peace.

Other crystals are good for clearing negative energy and enhancing overall wellbeing.

Choose an indirect infusion method for the safest crystal infused drinking water.

By indirect infusion, we mean not allowing the crystal to make direct contact with the drinking water.

Keeping the crystal discrete from the drinking water means there is zero chance of leaching potentially toxic compounds into your drinking water.

Using Crystals for fortune telling, and other creative uses is an age old belief common across many cultures.

People have sought out Crystal Caves, Crystal Jewellery, Crystal Arrays, Crystal Offerings, Hand Picked Crystals, Earth Crystals, Attractions and Crystal Shops for eons, seeking enlightenment.

Crystals have stood alongside us to help promote protection and πŸ’š nourish the soul.

For thousands of years, ancient elders, shamans and wise women have adopted the aid of crystals.

Crystals are known to assist manifest love, attract meaningful relationships, connect deeply with your social group, and allow you personal space and time to heal.

Our bestselling Crystals include


Rose Quartz 

  • initiates the intensity of true genuine πŸ’š love in the heart, bringing nourishment, deep inner peace + healing
  • Rose Quartz reprograms the heart for integrity + self-love. 
  • Encourages directness + the ability to release worry + anxiety. 
  • Teaches sensitivity by clearing stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear + jealousy. 
  • Confidence + creativity develop. 
  • Rose Quartz expands capacity for forgiveness, empathy + love. 
  • Balances emotions. Stimulates circulatory system + increases fertility.


Clear Quartz

  • Quartz the most dominant healing power on earth, receives, activates, stores, transmits + amplifies energy. 
  • Quartz is a master healer that dispels negative energy + provides protection in our force field and environment. 
  • Quartz is ideal  for meditation. 
  • Quartz triggers all levels of awareness + supports contact with Higher Self + Spirit Guides. 
  • Helps exploration of forgotten memories + self-awareness develops. 
  • Opens + balances chakras + align subtle bodies. 
  • Aids concentration + generates clarity πŸ’š on all levels. 
  • Quartz stimulates nervous system and activates the immune system. 
  • Reduces pain, fever, swelling + nausea. 
  • Quartz restores feeling to paralyzed regions.



  • Amethyst connects us with our source + promotes divine love. 
  • Amethyst accelerates the development of intuitive & πŸ•Ήpsychic abilities. 
  • Rely on Amethyst to strengthens the links and access to our own inner wisdom.
  • Amethyst transforms illusions into balanced perceptions. Has strong protective qualities that support in times of loss + grief.
  • Amethystis a potent body healer which counters addictive behaviour, cleanses & energises. Helps psychosomatic disorders
  • Amethyst Crystals balance the nervous system and brain πŸ’š and aids oxygenation in blood, reduces tension & pain, helps aid tinnitus, lungs, respiratory tract, skin & intestines. Fortifies endocrine & immune system. 
  • Amethyst enhances right brain activity. Brilliant for meditation.

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